Sunday, March 8, 2015

to my single sisters

To my sisters in Christ who are, like myself, single long past when I had hoped to be married:

This is the truth:

Lie: you have done something wrong.  Every Christian girl should be married by your age. 
Truth: There is no shame.

You're not not pretty enough. You're not lovable. There is no standard this world, our fellow believers, or ourselves can actually place on our shoulders for a timeline on this life that God has created and sovereignly ordered for us.  I am, we are, exactly-- did you catch that? exactly- where God has chosen us to be.  As I am sitting here, I am glorifying God by being right in the timeline that He has set out for me. I would not have chosen all that God has chosen for me.  But guess what?? God knows what is best for me.  This. is best for me.  Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  He is glorified by me being single, today, March 8th 2015.

Lie:  You're missing out on something irreplaceable, the love of another human being joined with you for your entire life.
Truth:  God's best for you does not include holding something back from you that would be genuinely good for you.  He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also along with Him graciously give us all things?

The love of the all powerful, all knowing, deeply loving LORD of the universe loves you perfectly and without any hint of sin or unfaithfulness.  The love of a husband is, I imagine, amazing and certainly God created, a huge gift. However, an earthly love will fail as it is held in the heart of a human still prone to sin. But nothing can be compared with the love of our perfect Husband.   His love is more than enough to satisfy.  Fact.

Lie: I'll never get to be a bride with a gorgeous dress.
Truth: You are part of Christ's Bride with the most dazzling, beautiful dress ever seen.

Each daughter of the King has a life that God has planned down to the minor details.  If God glorifies Himself in the fact that you are single-- and He does, there is. no. shame. We just have to trust that God knows best and that all He does for us is done in love.  Let us not be discontent in the GOOD life that God has chosen for us at this time.  You are dearly loved.  Incredibly precious.  I know this is all true, help thou Lord my unbelief.