Tuesday, August 25, 2015



That word is so inadequate but it's what comes to mind.  I'm sitting here having watched the remnants of an average sunset.... As if there was such a thing.  I think how beautiful it is and how it looks like a painting. And then I realize that paintings are only feeble expressions of the real beauty that my eye is actually watching unfold before me. How backwards we think sometimes.  Every second it is changing and moving and altering in shade yet always beautiful. 

It's as if the view I see of land and sky and sea has God's name all over it.  My brain looks out and I see "God" in Times New Roman all over everything I'm looking at.  No seriously, it happened.  Land and see that are held together and in place by the hands of God.  Gravity does its thing-- because God controls gravity.  Each atom in every molecule of water is clinging to each other because He said so. 
And then I am ashamed to realize how much of my day is wasted by me doubting God.  His power, His promises, and especially His love.  He silently gives me these signs daily, causes His sun to rise and set as if its no big deal.  Because to Him... it isn't.  And yet even while writing this my mind is so weak in unbelief and fear.  Let not your heart be troubled.  He is faithful, and He will do it.  As surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, my salvation is secure and I am righteous in the sight of Almighty God. Praise God.