Wednesday, February 8, 2012

peace that passes all understanding

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Ever since I have been very young the promise of a peace that passes all understanding has been a concept that fascinated me for two reasons: One, the concept itself of something wonderful beyond comprehension. Two, the promise that it will in fact come and that no matter the situation in which I find myself this peace trumps all-- passing my understanding in its power to overcome every rebuttal my doubting heart throws in its face.
Be anxious for nothing... How my mother used to tell me over and over that God didn't use a very ambiguous word.  Nothing.  Does not leave much room as to what I feel is important enough for me to worry about and stress over.  Also included in her reminders was that it wasn't exactly a suggestion.  Although grammar has always been a weak area I know enough to realize that there was an understood 'you' at the beginning of that sentence-- a direct command.  These pointers were always followed by those two little words 'with thanksgiving'.  A very crucial step in the process; a shift in focus from my problems to the past works of God and the promise that He will use everything for my good.
Let your requests be made known to God... Does our omniscient God need a run down of everything I'm worried about so that He can be up to speed with the dramas and stress of my little life?  I think not.  He wants me to come to Him like a little child with the weight of the world on her shoulders and say "Daddy, will you help me?"  And just like the little girl that I so often am, He desires me to lay my burdens at His feet and rest perfectly in His peace knowing that Daddy has it all taken care of and He knows best.
I cannot say how much I am comforted by the fact that the coming peace is a promise.  Not just a good chance that it will come but it will come.  And He who makes the sun rise and set has never forgotten or broken a promise.  Countless times I have been utterly baffled by the peace that passes understanding.  In the face of my worst fears and incapacitating worries, I have been blindsided by a relief so sweet and so genuine that I am in awe of the God who supplies all my needs emotionally and mentally.  For His promise extends to my heart and my mind.

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